REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT HERE! Tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Refreshments and light snacks will be served.
Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT-DC), Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS-DC), and the Transportation Research Forum (TRF-DC) are partnering to host their 9th annual joint summer event.
America’s highways are known for two things: congestion and deterioration. The American Society of Civil Engineers rates the condition of our roadways in their annual Infrastructure Report Card, often receiving the grade of D. Texas Transportation Institute releases an annual ranking of US cities with the worst congestion in their Urban Mobility Scorecard. Despite the annual calls for improvement, our roadways remain in a state of disrepair.
Is the current model of highway financing to blame? Federal and state funding levels remain stagnant forcing transportation agencies to consider more innovative approaches to finance their highway improvement and congestion mitigation needs. Come listen to our speakers as they discuss alternatives to the current highway and infrastructure financing in the U.S. We’ll hear a short presentation about the existing model of state-owned highways by Robert Poole. Then hear the opinions of our panelists.
5:30PM: Networking
6:15-7:15PM: Conversation with Special Guests and Q&A
7:15PM: Wrap Up
Speakers: Robert Poole, The Reason Foundation
Additional Speakers To Be Confirmed
Moderated by: Baruch Feigenbaum, The Reason Foundation